Sunday, May 17, 2009

Here are some pictures of our fun day at the DiscoveryZoo. Colin said his favorite part was feeding the animals. Soon they will be having a baby tiger come join there family.

Gorilla talking to Colin...

Today we went the Discovery Zoo and we saw sheeps, goats, monkeys, a baby cub, gorilla's and more. When you get there you can buy some crackers to feed all the animals. Colin had some in hand the whole time! The video is showing a gorilla who was communicating to Colin saying he wanted what was in his hand. Then he did a little a dance for us, and started to get mad because we weren't throwing him the crackers. Haha...they are so smart.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Colin's big day at the ballpark

14 -2 Yankees is Colin

A couple of weekends ago, we went to Colin's first Yankees game. He was so excited that as soon as we sat in our seats we wanted to throw the baseball we had bought him. Go Yankees!!

Easter Boy!

Little Performer

Colin just loves music!